

The purpose of our organisation.


Peculiar Generation Services Ltd is a non-profit organisation limited by guarantee. Their vision is to contribute to the development of the Lancashire community by way of offering their services to the needs of people in the community. Our focus is on how to help rough sleepers, drug-addicted people, young and middle-aged people going through challenges of life.

We believe that everyone has a right to shelter in Lancashire, therefore there must be alternative to streets for everyone in the community. This is possible if the community can support the government by contributing their quarter towards the eradication of some of the challenges confronting the grass root.

Our aims and activities are to provide shelter for homeless and rough sleepers during cold weather between December and March of every year. During this period we will accommodate them, feed them and provide enabling environment for them.

Our research discovered that young adult is now engaging with the drug without caution. It is our concern to have a society that is free of violence and the way we can tackle this seeming problem is to nip it in the bud by way of engaging this young adult through seminar and training.


We will design a program for these people that have gone through abuse and still going through figment of imagination which has caused them depression.


How we achieve our aims and objectives.

Our aims and objectives can be achieved through an education programme and the use of peer educators. PGCS will also operate an emergency food parcel scheme, provides homelessness training, promotes inter-agency work and produces resources for young and adult people.

We will provide cyber café for both young and adult for them to engage in social media that will be powered and monitored by PGCS for constructive learning.

We will establish café where tea and coffee will be provided free and also subsidised food will be served seven days a week.

Learning of artwork will be an added skill that will generate income for those people that are interested at no cost.


We objectify our support to provide efficiently for your requirements.

Raise funds, receive grants and donations

Apply for funds to carry out the work of PGCS

Co-operate with and support other charities with similar purposes

Do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve the purpose.